![]() ![]() Click on Detail Map Above for interactive Google Maps - Click on Maui Map Above for Larger Version Search: 45 east waipio road 96708 Lat: 20.9109, -156.2264 Be careful of some GPS Maps are wrong, use www.google.com/maps |
Exit Airport, Turn on the Hana Highway (hwy 360) You'll be heading toward Hana, driving about 20 miles Paia Town is something like the 7 mile marker, watch the mile marker signs. Haiku Community Center is something like 12. After you reach the 16 mi mark, they start renumbering at 0. 0 marks the intersection of Kaupakalua, down from Makawao. ( Hwys 36 & 360 ) Look for the 2 mi marker, right side of the road. At the 2 mile marker, you will see the Twin Falls Parking Lot (a very large gravel parking area on the right side of the highway, during the day there are a lot of cars park here) Watch for 3 mile marker on curve. (Red Dot) After the 3 mi mark, then 2 complete curves, left/right - left/right, then a short straight section. You will see the Telephone Company's Metal Cabinets, some are 6 feet tall, phone poles sticking out of their tops. (Often there is a sign for 'Jungle Zip Line ' ) Turn Left in front of the Metal Cabinets, E. Waipio (Red Dot) Be Careful, you are turning left on the Hana Highway near a curve ! If you miss the turn, don't worry, only 2 more curves is a large gravel area on the left, easy to turn around. ( Door of Faith Road ) There is also a pay phone there (our number is 572-7121) Pass the first 2 houses on the Right (Red Dots) Pass the first house on the right, with a white gate, then a red fence and gate on the left, about 2 blocks more and you'll see a sign, on your left for 'Jungle Zipline' then 100 feet more, signs on the left saying: 'Private, Guests & Residents Only' & No Trespassing. A rope is laying on the road, drive over it. (the Zip Line brought so many Tourists that want to come down and see if they can get to the ocean) You are now driving through the front yard of the 2nd residence on the right, Please Drive Slow. There are potholes dug in the road, because they got fed up with fast drivers, they have toddlers. As you pass their blue house, please slow to a Walking Pace for those 40 feet. (there is also a large funky construction tent) 200 feet after the blue house, there is a road going 90 degrees right Do Not Turn! Keep heading toward the ocean. (you can go out that way another time, but it is harder to describe) Our Blue House, on your right ( Red Dot ) After passing the small road on the right, you are still heading down toward the ocean, there should be a lot of grass and palms on your right Our blue house with pink trim is the next house you see on your right, (we have a large ball of vines, like a huge rope swing across from our house) 100 More Feet, Gate on the Right with the number 45 marks the Chalet Driveway After the blue house, watch for the gate with number 45 and a white sign saying: Maui Chalet (after dark, drive slow and look to the right to see the sign and gate, sometimes the solar light is on) The gravel driveway has large palm trees on either side. The driveway about 50 feet long, you will see the back of the 2 story Chalet, park in the carport.. Letter A marks the Chalet -- Welcome - Don't Hesitate to Call: 808-572-7121 |
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